Pre-treatment Guide
6 weeks before treatment, we recommend:
No Waxing
Refrain from waxing, plucking or any hair removal except shaving. Why? The hair needs to be in the follicle for the laser to effectively destroy to root. Waxing and plucking removes the root from the follicle, therefore the laser has no target to absorb into.
Avoid Sun
Avoid sun or sun beds. Why? Laser works by targeting the dark pigment in your hair. When you tan your skin produces the same pigment in your skin. The laser cannot distinguish between them and so can also target the skin.
3 - 5 days before treatment, we recommend:
Lightly Exfoliate
Lightly exfoliate the treatment area. Why? You remove the dead skin cells from the surface, allowing the laser a clearer path to the root of the hair. Also dead or dry skin can sometimes cause slight redness after treatment so keeping your skin in tip top condition when having laser will get the best results. Don’t forget to apply a light layer of moisturiser after you exfoliate to help keep your skin hydrated.
Avoid taking antihistamines directly before your laser treatment. If you are taking antihistamines on a regular basis you should stop taking these 5 – 7 days before your laser session is due. If you just take antihistamines on a once-off occasion they should be avoided for 48 hours before your laser session is due.
On the night before treatment, we recommend:
Shave your treatment areas. Why? The area needs to be cleanly shaved as any hair above the skins surface will absorb the laser energy before it reaches the root in the follicle. This can also leave small red marks on the skins surface for 2-3 days after treatment. Use light pressure when shaving and a good quality shaving foam and razor, take your time when shaving to avoid any razor burn or nicks and cuts as if these are present on the skin we may not be able to laser over them.
DO NOT shave on the morning of your treatment, it can result in excessive irritation after treatment.
On treatment day:
Fake Tan
Ensure all areas are free from fake tan and all topical products. Why? Fake tan, moisturiser, oils and all topical products will affect how laser absorbs into your skin during treatment so please ensure you shower on the morning of your session leaving your skin product free for your treatment.
Please, always inform us of any change in your medical circumstances. Why? If you are taking any new medications that we don’t know about the laser can cause a serious reaction. Our lasers are very strong and your skin’s safety is NO.1 priority. So let us know and we’ll make sure you’re fine to proceed.
Pain Relief
You may take a mild pain reliever but try to avoid Ibuprofen. Why? Iburofen can cause your skin to be more sensitive and may lead to slight bruising after treatment. Paracetamol is fine but you really shouldn’t need any pain relief. We are gentle and take things slow to ensure you have an easy experience.